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Mustang Region Trekking

Mustang Region

Mustang Region Trekking offers a very different experience than other trekking areas in Nepal. To trek in Mustang is a rare privilege. In Mustang region you will experience a way of life of true mountain people, who for hundreds of years, had very little contact with the rest of Nepal and retained their rich cultural heritage. Until recent times their king was officially recognized by the Government of Nepal. In many ways, a trek into Mustang region (specially Upper Mustang) is similar to trekking in Tibet, as geographically it is a part of the Tibetan plateau. Mustang region people are influence with Tibetan culture. Mustang region trekking routes are in Mustang district of Nepal. The district of Mustang was, until 1950, a separate kingdom within the boundaries of Nepal. The last king, the Raja of Mustang, still has his home in the ancient capital at Lo Manthang.

Upper Mustang was opened to non-Nepali trekkers since 1992 and even today, access is still highly restricted. To enter Upper Mustang, that is to travel further north of Kagbeni, trekkers need a special trekking permit and must be accompanied by a government registered trekking agency.

Upper Mustang, being in the Himalayan rain shadow, is one of the regions in the country suitable for trekking even during the monsoons. During this time, the upper Kali Gandaki valley is still quite dry because It sits in the rain shadow of the Himalaya and receives much less rain than the rest of the country.

The landscape of Mustang is more akin to a grand high desert dotted with solitary mountain pillars rather than the usual forested and high pastures typical of the Himalayan Mountains. Mustang Region Trekking is rich in Buddhist Culture, similar with Tibetan Buddhist. It is an alternate way to experience Tibetan culture and landscape. Click below links for the best treks in the Mustang Region

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Kaldhara-16, Kathmandu, Nepal
Telephone: +977 1 5360765
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